FINANCIAL REVIEWS – Quite often, we have seen business owners, including very successful individuals, who wish to obtain an independent review of their company’s financial performance. An organization may not have the proper staff resources or system capabilities to obtain the information that they need. At times, company executives have also stated that they are too busy ‘running’ their companies that they simply need help to manage or enhance the flow of information. A detailed financial review can include preparation of various financial reports, a general review of revenues, production and other operating costs, as well as compliance of customer contracts and vendor agreements.
PROFIT HUNTING – The concept of PROFIT is very often misunderstood. Generally profit is thought of in the form of the accounting definition, whereby it is merely the excess of revenue over costs in a firm's operation. However, many economists will state that profit does not exist in the long-run, as the market will see that if someone is generating positive cash in an endeavor, competitors will arrive and eat into this ‘profit’. Thus, profit in the basic sense can merely be a result of us ‘being here first’. World-Renown Author and Management Consultant Peter Drucker stated that profit serves three primary purposes: (a) to measure performance, (b) as a premium to cover costs to continue as an ongoing business operation, and (c) to ensure the future supply of capital. The performance measurement aspect of profit is an indicator of an operation's effectiveness.
Roam Essential, LLC has a core focus of being a socially responsible firm, thus we believe strongly in working with our clients to find ways to improve or enhance effectiveness to maintain or exceed their profit targets. We strongly understand the dramatic costs of ineffectiveness such as higher financing and operating costs, loss of quality staff due to employee turnover or labor reductions, and of course the tangible and intangible costs of bankruptcy. To aid offsetting the risk of your firm facing these costs we perform detailed analysis of your revenue and expense cycles, review stakeholder agreements, and prepare various financial analysis, reports and models to help you better understand where your costs are burdened within your operations, and ideally where hidden profits exists; profits that help achieve all three primary purposes for which they were intended.
DUE DILIGENCE SERVICES – As an organization matures, it is very likely that they will wish to raise capital, complete a merger or an acquisition, or engage in another transaction which will require them to successfully complete a due diligence process. Alternatively, an organization may wish to perform a due diligence review on a potential acquisition target. The due diligence process can become extremely costly to a firm's daily operations, as they require vast amounts of research and preparation time to fulfill the due diligence requirements. Additionally, the failure to complete a successful due diligence has much greater financial and economic costs to an organization. We will work alongside you and your team to better ensure that a successful due diligence process is completed. We also provide outsourced services to complete a review on a proposed acquired target or customer.
CASH FLOW MANAGEMENT – Management of cash is essential for all companies, but is most crucial for companies experiencing swift growth, those that who are in financial distress, or entities that simply have too much non-liquidating working capital tied up on the balance sheet. We conduct a review of your accounting department’s internal processes, as well as perform a detailed analysis of your customer receviables and your vendor and stakeholder agreements to devise ways of improving your short and long-term cash flow.
PLANNING AND ANALYSIS – Includes budgeting, data mining, forecasting, establishment of KPI’s and benchmarking against industry trends. Performing monthly/quarterly performance reviews allow us to provide an detailed report on noted variances and help establish areas for improvement.
COLLATERAL AUDITS AND RELATED SERVICES – Includes performing a review of borrower's receivables, inventory, and other assets which comprise their availability under an asset-based financing agreement. A detailed review of eligibility, existence and health of assets is performed to determine compliance and adequacy.
UTU ENGAGEMENT – What is a UTU Engagement?? It simply stands for U Tell Us what your needs are. We work with you to provide business process improvements, perform internal audit reviews, obtain bank (re)financing, fulfill tax government compliance requirements, and outsourced CFO services.